Is there a CAM cable to Le m6p for the Aaton XTR/XTera? Similar to the Cvolution C019-KE8 cable?

cmotion official
Planning on purchasing a cpro plus kit very soon and wondering how everyone's pelican cases are looking? What's your case organization like?
Yeah, I still use the semi-hard case it shipped with, honestly. Fits 3 motors, all my cables, batteries, pre-marked rings and a few blank, and the handset with some extra space. I also have a ring holder that I got 3d printed and a battery holder that was 3d printed in the case plus chargers and 6 batteries.
When I fly with it, I just pack the essential pieces into my 1510 and carry it on with whatever batteries I'm bringing. Seems to work just fine at the moment but I'm a little jealous looking at some of these other pics, haha.
Is there a plan to make premarked iris rings for the cPro handunits? Would be really useful for the cPro One and is really the one thing holding me back from buying one.
I know Arri just released some for the Hi-5 but I was surprised to see at Cine Gear that even the$1,000 Teradek Ctrl 1 already has premarked iris rings 😢
Please make this a feature! Even if it were just the same scale as the arri smart rings. I’ve worked with a few DP’s who are just so used to looking at the ring for the stop and not used to the readout screen. Or it’s too small for them.
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Anyway to get filter these things out? Making following this forum prett hard
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First Mover
First Mover
community manager
Yes, I just got it made at Cmotion; [C0XE-K12] Cable CAM (7p) - Aaton XTR RS (2p)/power
camera interface cable Le m(5+2)p - RS Le m2p (0.7m/2ft 4in) for Aaton XTR cameras, including power (Le m2p) (RUN/STOP)