Hi all!
I know next to nothing about 3D printing, but I'm hoping someone here can help solve a problem.
Working with a DP lately who likes to use an old set of Panavision glass where the iris pitches vary between standard (m0.8, 40teeth) and PV iris (m0.4/64 pitch, 80teeth).
I am using a cforce mini for iris, and right now I just swap the gears each time, which is slow and annoying. I am wondering if it's possible to make a press on gear to go from PV iris --> standard iris.
Any help is appreciated!
-Matt Rozek
They should be very easy to design and print, the key is knowing the diameter of each of the iris' and the toothing on each lens. But they are a very easy design to make, DM me if you still need them drafting up.