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Teradek RT improvements/wishlist

Since the group buy has led to a few new Teradek RT users in the FPAW community, I thought this would be a great opportunity to gather some user feedback and our wishes for potential improvements, or a wishlist for new features if you will.

I'll start! Here's my list, starting with the features that would make me the happiest (but probably also the hardest to implement) and going down from there, to features that aren't as exciting but probably much easier to implement.

- Camera control for Arri cameras, for example ND, White balance, ISO, playback, format, the more the merrier.

An idea I had about camera control was perhaps pairing it with the SmallHD monitors (since there is already intergration with the monitors). The Cine 7 for example already has an option for an Arri camera control license. For this to function the monitor has to be hardwired to the camera. But maybe its possible to use the Teradek RT system as an intermediate for wireless control. The SmallHD monitor is wired to the CTRL.3 and the MDR.X is wired to the camera. No idea if this is possible, but an idea I had.

- Might be a long shot, but the possibility to use a motor in "passive mode". Meaning that the motor will calibrate and sync to the lens map, but will only function as a sensor. The operator/DP will be able to turn the iris ring for example and through the motor position the iris value can be transmitted to the hand unit

- I heard this is being worked on, being able to take the lens mapping info and send it back in to the camera to get lens info recorded as metadata or for example having the iris value displayed on the camera sdi output. Priority for me would be Arri cameras since 90% of my work is with Arri.

- Have the hand unit remember tag selection, so that you can select the tag "favorites" for example with the lens map for the current project and have it automatically go to that tag when selecting a new lens map. Or possibly a short button to the tag "favorites".

- As far as I know powering the system from 3-pin fischer RS or the 6pin EXT on the Alexa mini isn't possible due to the voltage range for the MDR.X. But if there are new products coming in the future (maybe an rf motor?) having to option to power through these ports would be great.

- Follow up to the one above, but an rf motor would be very cool, removing the need for an mdr.

- Having an auto option for the link/range power, to avoid having to go to low when being near the camera and then to medium or EU max when being far away.

- Short button to select lens map

- Short button to select lens ring

- Possibility to disable auto calibration when powering on.

- Use the zoom joystick to navigate menus.

- Short button on the MDR.X for calibration. Not that big of a deal since you can currently do it by just pressing the same button 3 times. (MOTS - SET (first option is Recalib) - SET (first

option is Auto Cal)

If you have any other wishes for improvements or new features, add them in the comments and we can give our user feedback to Teradek, hopefully some of them can make their way in to the system.

Ralph Messer
Oliver Gross
John Geoghegan
Diogo Domingues
Kevin Marshall
Oct 16, 2021

I definitely second the lens-related shortcut buttons, and the tag memory idea - small QoL updates that would make lens swaps quicker. I would love to see the ability to manually "set" an iris value without an iris motor present for the DoF overlay to function in single-channel setups. But maybe that would be more on SmallHD's end to implement? My longshot request is for the Ctrl.1 and MDR-M/B to get compatibility with RT Manager, instead of the older, clunkier RTFW. Updating a motor via RTFW is especially cumbersome, and being able to manage lens maps would be great.



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