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Teradek User Group

Público·868 miembros
Frantz Parisot
Frantz Parisot

need help with cube 105 + USB verizon modem

I have a cube 105. it works well via ethernet cable.

I want to use the Verizon cellular network.

I bought one USB modem Verizon Pantech UML 290 (it's in the drop-down menu, in the USB modem tab of the cube setup.

I bought a prepaid plan applied to the included SIM.

I plugged the USB modem into my laptop: after a while, my laptop was connected the Verizon network.

On my laptop, I downloaded the Verizon utility to monitor the USB modem

I configured the teradek 105 to use the Pantech UML 290 and I saved the settings.

However, when I connect it to the cube, the light becomes blue after a while, but the modem is still initializing indefinitely.modem is still initializing indefinitely.

any ideas?

thank you in advance for any tips.


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